Happy new year! Happy new deacons!

Details from Today’s Catholic: 

A glorious day!  More than 1,300 people witnessed the ordination of 18 new deacons to the diocese on Saturday, Jan. 7 at St. Pius X Church in Granger. There were also 20 previously-ordained deacons, 40 priests, 70 watching on closed-circuit television off the vestibule, and nearly 100 from the parish’s music ministry from their choirs, orchestra, bell choir, and organ performers in attendance.

Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades presided and emphasized in his homily that the deacons were to “take the form of a servant … through the Sacrament of Holy Orders (who then) will be inserted into the mystery of Christ who made Himself the ‘deacon’ or ‘servant of all.’ The diaconate will commit them to follow Jesus and His attitude of humble service sharing and embracing their whole way of thinking and acting in fulfilling their various diaconal tasks.”

Bishop Rhoades honored the men for their four years of deacon preparation, study, and testing, along with their very supportive wives. The Rite of Ordination showed the shared determination of the soon-to-be deacon husbands as their wives sat behind them and participated in the Scripture readings and the offertory.

Read on and see more pictures. 

Congratulations, brothers, and welcome! Ad multos annos!