It’s called simply:  Take a look. Then bookmark it. You can thank me later.

For several years now, a priest known only as Fr. Don has been compiling resources for homilies — notes, insights, texts, videos — and publishing them online. He’s now developing a special section on his website for deacons.

Take a look. 

I asked Fr. Don for some background about himself and this little apostolate, and he offered this:

Since 2015, Fr. Don has been diligently working on the website. It has gone through a couple of transformations in the past – first as LectioTube and then as Sunday Prep – when unfortunately, technical issues led to the loss of much of his previous content. Nevertheless, he persevered “by the grace of God.”

Fr. Don, who is approaching retirement, taught high school history and science before entering the seminary. In addition to his education degrees and certifications, he holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies and a MDiv.

It was after ordination ministering as a parish priest, however, that his undiagnosed high-functioning autism came to light. The challenges he faced compelled him to step away from his role as a pastor and transition into full-time web development for his diocese. Since then, his bishop, who fully supports him, has given him the freedom to venture into this current project.

Both wish to remain anonymous because the website is not about Fr. Don: it’s about showcasing what others are doing and enriching the lives of those who visit.